A Hippie’s Guide to Sustainable Christmas Celebrations


A Hippie

Christmas is a time for joy, love, and giving. For hippies who value a sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle, it’s essential to celebrate this festive season in a way that is aligned with their values. Here’s a guide to help hippies plan a sustainable Christmas celebration.

Eco-Friendly Decorations

A Hippie

Take a break from traditional decorations and opt for eco-friendly alternatives. Use natural materials like pinecones, leaves, and branches to create beautiful decorations. Avoid plastic and opt for recycled or upcycled ornaments. Homemade decorations are also an excellent choice, as they reduce environmental impact and add a personal touch to your Christmas celebration.

Zero-Waste Gift Wrapping

A Hippie

Avoid the excessive waste generated from gift wrapping. Instead, wrap your gifts using recycled materials such as old newspapers, fabric scraps, or reusable gift bags. Specifically, choose eco-friendly wrapping paper made from recycled fibers and printed with vegetable-based inks.

Sustainable Gift Ideas

A Hippie

When it comes to gifts, consider sustainable and ethical options. Support local artisans and choose handmade or fair-trade products. Give experiences rather than physical items, such as concert tickets or a spa day. Alternatively, give homemade gifts like baked goods or DIY crafts, which demonstrate thoughtfulness and reduce waste.

Environmentally Friendly Christmas Feast

A Hippie

Plan a sustainable Christmas feast by opting for organic, locally sourced, and plant-based ingredients. Choose vegetarian or vegan recipes that are not only healthy but also have a lower carbon footprint. Reduce food waste by carefully planning your menu and encouraging guests to bring reusable containers for leftovers.

Charitable Giving

A Hippie

Embrace the true spirit of Christmas by giving back to the community. Instead of excessive consumerism, consider making a charitable donation in someone’s name. Support organizations that work towards environmental conservation, social justice, or helping those in need. This act of kindness can bring immense joy and make a lasting impact.


A Hippie

A sustainable Christmas celebration for hippies is about embracing the core values of love, compassion, and respect for the environment. By incorporating eco-friendly decorations, zero-waste gift wrapping, sustainable gift ideas, an environmentally friendly feast, and charitable giving, hippies can enjoy a festive season that aligns with their beliefs.